분위기 있는 연주 모음
01. Acoustic Cafe - Long Long Ago
02. Angels of venice - sad Lisa
03. Ralf E. Barttenbach - Loving Cello
04. Rebecca Luker - Una Furtive Lagrima
05. Giovanni Marradi - Una Furtiva Lagrima
06. Ernesto Cortazar - Noctunal Melancholy
07. Daveed - In Trance
08. Phil Coulter - Greenleaves Of Summer
09. Giovanni Marradi - with you
10. Meav - one I love
11. Sissel -Summer Snow
12. Yuhki Kuramoto - Paris In Water
Time is..
Too Slow for those who Wait
Too Swift for those who Fear
Too Long for those who Grieve
Too Short for those who Rejoice
But for those who Love Time is not.
Henry Van Dyke
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